Tag Archives: Gavin

Slow Motion Videos You Have to See!

Slow Motion camera releases are slow at this time of year but that doesn’t mean we have to be deprived of cool stuff to see. We have gathered a few slow motion videos that warrant your time and attention and surely push the art of capturing snapshots of time forward.

Even when these high speed cameras that in most cases are worth a lot more than the typical luxury midsize car, many creators are getting their hands on them and being creative in ways that could not be imagined in an earlier timeframe. From natural phenomena to technological feats, the footage has that mesmerizing quality that only this type of footage can instill on the viewer.  → Continue Reading Full Post ←

The Slow Mo Guys Interviewed by The Telegraph UK!


The UK News Site the Telegraph has posted an interview with Daniel Gruchy and Gavin Free better known to Youtube viewers as The Slow Mo Guys. They do all sorts of cool slow motion video pieces with Phantom slow motion cameras.

Gavin was involved in the film business and that led him to get a loaner camera from the movie studio production house he worked for in movies like Sherlock Holmes a game of shadows. He got their confidence and took it to his backyard to shoot some footage.

The full article on the UK Telegraph is here for reading!

In a few years both his friend Daniel Gruchy an explosives expert for the British Army himself and Gavin Free were so popular on social media that their career took a big turn for the better as their Youtube channel skyrocketed in popularity. They were school buddies that reunited later by destiny it seems.

It all went viral 2 million views in one day after they posted this Giant 6ft Water Balloon on Youtube:

Gavin Free lives in Austin Texas, USA and Daniel still has a year to serve before he can join Gavin Full time and continue this fun full time career they have built on the backs of technology that was unavailable to everyone except a chose few with deep pockets.


Thy have gotten severe injuries like burns or projectiles on the skin so it is not all good but they are usually in control of the situation.

It should be noted that the experiments they try are not to be attempted by anyone and are probably going to endanger yourself or someone if tried.  

Congratulations to The Slow Mo Guys and all their success; and keep the great footage coming!

Full Telegraph Article with The Slow Mo Guys here!

Subscribe to The Slow Mo Guys on Youtube Here!

Below three of our favorite Slow Mo Guys Videos, make sure you visit their site to see many more:

All images and video are the sole © Copyright property of The Slow Mo Guys Daniel Gruchy and Gavin Free!