Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Slow Mo Quality!

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV

We have gotten a few questions about the EOS 5D Mark IV when it comes to it’s 120fps 720p slow motion mode.  We covered it back in August but samples were hard to find back then; all that has changed and now we can rate and position the camera in our HSC Camera Guide ranking.  While it will not win any contests for resolution or frame rate we think it is a good all around camera with useful features for video enthusiasts.

The negatives like high price,  Moire & Aliasing prone slow mo resolution, huge inefficient 4k bit rates on an old codec, 1.74x crop in 4k recording and big system bulk still apply for this camera.  The Panasonic GH5 for instance destroys the 5D Mark IV in the video spec department but that is ok considering the 5D Mark IV is a stills workhorse with a full frame sensor first and an excellent AF and high ISO performance package.

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Ranking:

The final ranking on our Camera Guide for the 5D Mark IV is on the #20 spot as of today.  It edges just past the Panasonic GH4 because of the slightly higher frame rate and comparable softness but impressive High ISO which trumps that camera. It is below the excellent 120fps 1080p of the Samsung NX1 camera at #19 which was discontinued after it’s introduction due to lack of robust sales; a shame considering how many things the camera did well.

All in all the 120fps mode on the Canon EOS 5D Mark IV is nothing to write home about; but it allows the professional still photographer to get some higher frame rates in video mode with twice the frames as the 5D Mark III which capped 720p at 60fps.  You still get aliasing and moire and a tendency to crop the sensor / line skip to get the final frame rate at 720p.

The 5D Mark IV is an excellent Stills camera with very robust Auto Focus Tracking in video mode however it is hardly a slow motion enthusiast’s first pick for their arsenal.

The Slow-Mo Video Samples:

Below are 10 120fps 720p samples from the Canon EOS 5D Mark IV for you to see and judge quality.

5DIV Slow Motion Test 120fps by Robert Patterson:

Canon 5D Mark IV – Cat Slow Motion Sample Movie // 720p @ 120fps by Aperture Media:

5D Mark IV 120fps Slow Motion High ISO Test by  Stephen Diaz:

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV】1280 x 720 120fps Ocean by mobile01:

5D Mark IV 120fps ring shot water drip by Ronnie Chan:

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV】1280 x 720 120fps Train by mobile01:

Review canon 5d Mark iv Slow Motion (720p/120fps) by Blessings The Wedding FotoMakers:

Canon 5D Mark IV 120fps test Water Glass by Ronnie Chan:

Canon EOS 5D IV】1280 x 720 120fps Tennis by mobile01:

Canon 5d IV 120 FPS by WEAP0NIZE:

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