Tag Archives: phantom camera

Halloween Slow Motion Videos!

Halloween Slow Motion

It is that time of the year again where skeletons, ghouls and ghosts come out to play. And what better way than to show some slow motion footage of Halloween themes being explored or exploded. Pumpkins, ghosts, spiders and witches are ready for your undivided attention and be sure to visit their creators.

These are shot with anything from a phone to a high end Phantom camera. However it is all about technique and execution. With the advent of affordable slow motion it is easy to find diverse and quality material shot with good production and planning.  Stay Safe! → Continue Reading Full Post ←

1500 Water Balloons On a Trampoline Slow Motion!


If you thought you couldn’t get sicker about water balloons bouncing and stretching in slow motion think again!  This time 1500 small water balloons are bounced on a  trampoline with kids jumping to create some mesmerizing footage with the help of a Phantom Camera rental from aimed reasearch.

Mark Rober the creator of the video is a former NASA Engineer who worked on the curiosity rover and overall experimental scientist that does a lot of cool things in his life and shares them on his Twitter feed here! This time his nephews and himself enjoy bouncing with diverse water balloons while filming in super slow motion for an enjoyable effect. → Continue Reading Full Post ←