Five Christmas Slow Motion Videos!

Five Christmas Slow Motion Videos

We have gathered a few popular high speed videos with Christmas holiday theme to kill a few minutes with your family on your couch or just to get away from them altogether while dozing off on eggnog. Slow motion tends to be used for almost any occasion to make the mundane events in life seem just a little more engaging.

There is also an explosion of slow motion footage happening in the web today with the wide availability of higher frame rate cameras. From cellphone slowmo to cheaper professional options; the high speed imaging niche is getting ever wider. We hope to see some of your own cool footage soon in social video sites!

Five Christmas Slow Motion Videos From Talented People:

A Slow Motion Christmas by FinalCutKing see also the Behind the Scenes Clip here:

BrightFire Christmas Slow mo 2016 – 2500fps Phantom Flex by Mike Sansom:

Ken Heron – A SLOW MOTION Christmas! by Ken Heron:

Super slow motion Christmas Video by Michael Sutton:

Slow Motion BYU Splash Lab Christmas by Brigham Young University:

Bonus Cat Video:

Wishing You A Slow Motion Cat Christmas! by Cat CATastrophes:

Enjoy and Merry Christmas to all / Happy Holidays -HSC

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