Tag Archives: 90% Off

Adorama Posts Black Friday Deals!


Our partner Adorama Camera has sent us a series of Black Friday Deals that might peak your interest.  The range is quite good and some of the savings are kind of spectacular, so if you have been meaning to get gear, memory or a lens at a discounted price ; get a better bang for your buck the time is now.

Some cameras are heavily discounted in the 100s of dollars and memory is sometimes 1/2 price too. By buying through our links you help HSC continue to provide content in the future. We thank you for your support.    Happy Thanksgiving! → Continue Reading Full Post ←

Camera Deals for Black Friday Start to Show!


Black Friday is nearly here and that means lots of deals for all sorts of gear are just around the corner.  However we have found a few to get you started in your quest to get the best bang for your buck.

Note: By buying through our Amazon product links you help HSC continue to cover the slow motion camera market on a budget. At no extra cost to you. We greatly appreciate your patronage! → Continue Reading Full Post ←