Edgerton MIT offering high speed imaging course!


The MIT Edgerton Center is offering a new 4 day  in depth course in high speed imaging at their Cambridge, MA Campus. The Edgerton center is as you guessed it the DOC Edgerton building named after the famous high speed imaging researcher and inventor.  It is also the main inspiration for the edgertronic high speed camera. It could be a great way to get exposed to the latest gear from the top manufacturers of high speed cameras and learn techniques, lighting for hi speed and problem solving.


Date: June 15-18, 2015 | Tuition: $2,500WaterBlueDroplet


This course is aimed at all professionals, and is applicable to any individual in an industry, academic, or government sector who must:

  • Test, maintain, or troubleshoot high-speed manufacturing equipment
  • Evaluate how products withstand impacts
  • Observe projectiles in flight or upon impact
  • Visualize flows in aerosols, liquids, or granular materials
  • Capture the motions of people, animals, and objects
  • Study crash tests
  • Understand any actions that occur too fast for the eye to follow

Relevant industry sectors include manufacturing, academic research, energy, biotech, aerospace, and ballistics.


  • Define the fundamental principals of high-speed photography and videography, both for human interpretation and for motion analysis with a computer.
  • Make the trade-off between cost, depth-of-field, field-of-view, resolution, and lighting requirements to select the appropriate lens(es) to ensure that clear, crisp, images of the event under study are obtained.
  • Select the correct lighting technologies and design the lighting arrangements for an experiment, including the selection of lights, their beam-pattern, and intensities, as well as specifying their locations to provide sufficient light on the subject to obtain well-exposed images of the process under study with minimal loss of information due to shadowing or over-exposure.
  • Analyze the resulting images to get a real world understanding of how a specific technology may apply to an application.
  • Assess methods of merging high-speed electronic images and instrumentation data for in-depth analysis of mechanical events.

More information about enrollment, tuition and dates here! Limited enrollment, apply early to guarantee a spot!

Disclaimer: HSC is not affiliated with MIT or the course in any way, we are just reporting on information about high speed education. We cannot answer any questions about this course. Please visit the link provided for more information.

Obscura Day at the MIT Edgerton Center Sample Video:

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