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Panasonic GH5 vs Red Epic Slow Motion!

Panasonic GH5 vs Red Epic Slow Motion

The Youtube channel CRFTSHO has created a guessing video game that pits the Panasonic GH5 vs the RED EPIC Camera in a slow motion 1080p match.  The fun is that even for the trained eye there is no easy way to tell which camera is actually on screen playing until you get the revelation footage which is the 2nd part of the game.

What is interesting about the results is that the RED Epic a camera worth over 10 times more than the Panasonic Lumix GH5 is almost indistinguishable and in some shots the cheaper camera is preferable in sharpness and detail.  It probably has to do with the GH5 doing full sensor downsampling up to 120fps at 1080p vs the RED doing sensor windowed mode. → Continue Reading Full Post ←

The Slow Mo Guys Interviewed by The Telegraph UK!


The UK News Site the Telegraph has posted an interview with Daniel Gruchy and Gavin Free better known to Youtube viewers as The Slow Mo Guys. They do all sorts of cool slow motion video pieces with Phantom slow motion cameras.

Gavin was involved in the film business and that led him to get a loaner camera from the movie studio production house he worked for in movies like Sherlock Holmes a game of shadows. He got their confidence and took it to his backyard to shoot some footage. → Continue Reading Full Post ←