Tag Archives: fruit

Slow Motion Summer 2016!

Slow Motion Summer

It’s that time of the year again when we revisit and dig up slow motion footage that is just out of this world cool.  From the most well known names in YouTube slow-mo to the obscure coolness of the lab and phone tests.

We choose a list of what we believe represent the current cutting edge in slow motion video art and research. Not everything is about gear and specs, a little inspiring footage can make your current camera shine again when you get an idea and put it to the test. → Continue Reading Full Post ←

The Slow Mo Guys Interviewed by The Telegraph UK!


The UK News Site the Telegraph has posted an interview with Daniel Gruchy and Gavin Free better known to Youtube viewers as The Slow Mo Guys. They do all sorts of cool slow motion video pieces with Phantom slow motion cameras.

Gavin was involved in the film business and that led him to get a loaner camera from the movie studio production house he worked for in movies like Sherlock Holmes a game of shadows. He got their confidence and took it to his backyard to shoot some footage. → Continue Reading Full Post ←