Tag Archives: the slow mo guys

Slow Motion Videos of the Week!

Slow Motion Videos of the Week

We have seen quite a lot of new slow motion footage inundate the Intertubes this week.  The amount and quality of the footage seem to have exploded recently with more and more cameras able to shoot at higher frame rates and at qualities that make it bearable to watch. Of course, there is also the occasional professional high speed camera shot i.e Phantom Flex 4k, which makes it the icing on the cake.

It is also time to get inspired by looking at the work of others to better your own shooting and gather new ideas or inspiration.  It is time to lay back and relax while you watch some extremely cool slow motion footage. And as always remember to be safe if you attempt any of the stunts or experiments shot.  Take Care! → Continue Reading Full Post ←

Gavin Free Educates & GH5 Ships!

Gavin Free Educates

Gavin Free the camera specialist behind the Slow Mo Guys YouTube channel has posted a recent video talking about the difficulties and technical aspects of light gathering for slow motion sequences. The video explains the shutter angle in detail and why it is important for the final look of a slow motion shot. He does so with the help of a Phantom Flex 4k Camera capable of 1000fps at full 4k Resolution.

On other things the 180fps Full HD capable Panasonic GH5 has tarted shipping and currently ships in 1-2 days after order. The camera is also capable of shooting at 4k 60fps continuously at 150Mbps.  We have been covering this camera and it is clearly a video powerhouse; read on for more. → Continue Reading Full Post ←

The Slow Mo Guys Interviewed by The Telegraph UK!


The UK News Site the Telegraph has posted an interview with Daniel Gruchy and Gavin Free better known to Youtube viewers as The Slow Mo Guys. They do all sorts of cool slow motion video pieces with Phantom slow motion cameras.

Gavin was involved in the film business and that led him to get a loaner camera from the movie studio production house he worked for in movies like Sherlock Holmes a game of shadows. He got their confidence and took it to his backyard to shoot some footage. → Continue Reading Full Post ←