Ono U1 Reveal on Dec 3rd?


There is a lot of speculation regarding the final specs and capabilities of the Ono U1 smartphone codename “TheBeast” from the new German & Indian company called U1 Labs at this website.    The design has changed several times since it was announced earlier this year in July; it was improved in hardware capabilities but it still has somewhat remained a mystery when it comes to the slow motion 480fps capability that was promised early on.

There has never been a direct admission that can back real captured frames at 480fps as the Mediatek Helios X10 SoC allows. After repeated attempts by us and other backers or Pioneers as U1 Labs calls their early supporters; nothing can be firmly deduced besides interpolation from lower frame rates like 120fps or 240fps to 480fps.  Mediatek Helios X10 supports true 480fps capture in their specs with the use of a specific Sony sensor so there was a promise that it would adhere to these specs.

Ono U1 – THE BEAST Render by U1 Labs

If they can deliver 120fps and 240fps frame rates at 1080p on a phone it could get enough traction to be a very good contender for top spot in phone high frame rates at full HD quality.  However nothing is really known fully regarding this spec.

They have missed dates before but the pioneers are already getting restless and will probably have harsh reactions if this date is missed.   But come Dec 3rd we might have a good surprise or subdued disappointment from the reveal.  What will happen remains to be seen but at this point we are less optimistic about 480fps. The post by one of our readers here might suggest interpolation is the only real spec of this phone but would like to have this claim verified by U1 Labs before setting it in stone.

The Beast Prototype Front from U1 Labs running Radial OS a custom version of Android.

Regardless of what happens, we never recommended buying the phone directly as it was a startup that could leave investors hanging for a product. Until they deliver hardware and are shipping in quantity and one that we can test and put through it’s paces we will remain cautious of such a product.

Our last direct question about 480fps on December 1st, 2015!

We wish them luck, as you can see in our Facebook post above on their page, as a vibrant start-up and we hope that they deliver most of what the promised specs hinted at. The market needs disruption like the One Plus phones have done in the past.

We will find out in 2 days if all goes well.   – HSC 

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3 thoughts on “Ono U1 Reveal on Dec 3rd?”

  1. Dear All

    I am Shiv, CEO, ToXSL Technologies Pvt Ltd. I am the man behind much hyped RadialOS ROM with Android 6.0 for U1Labs.

    After most of the core changes ( functionality is done , UI polishing is pending as their only UX guys didn’t sent images on time) , We are having dispute with U1Labs.

    1. They didn’t send the real Device unit for testing , We doubt they have any. thats why most of the videos sent so far are from emulator and test phones ( Mi4i).

    2. We offered to send them ROM images in factory for testing but we needed MediaTek BaseCode with drivers.They didn’t send that even after 10-15 request in 3 months.

    3. We requested the 25% of the funds after 80% of the work is completed which they refused. Thats when the dispute started on 26/11/2015.

    4. My Team worked day/night for them for 3 months ( 6 member team ) to make RadialOS and other important apps. It basically means , they dont have ROM now, they cannot produce it overnight.

    I think this whole project is a SCAM. They have collected a lot of funds from people. But there CEO is very RUDE and dishonest person. He is blackmailing us to send the all work done or he would dispute on Paypal. I shall respond to payPal dispute but I need suggestion on how to deal with them.
    I know they would block me to save their public image. But not paying for work done in 3 months is not fair business practice.

    I dare them to discuss here and tell people the truth.


    1. We cannot verify if what you are telling is the truth and if any of these allegations are of merit. We suggest you seek legal counsel on this dispute and leave it out of this website. We only report news and as principle cannot get involved in issues like this. If these allegations are true then you should be able to prove your case. Best of luck to all involved. We suggest you refrain from posting these issues here as they may be of consequence if legal proceedings take place. We are not involved in any way with u1labs and will remain as only spectators of developments. -HSC

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