edgertronic 2.1.5 Firmware – Multicast Network Trigger!


The edgertronic camera continues to evolve with firmware releases that improve the camera in many ways and patches bugs here and there that crop up while in use.  The latest 2.1.5 firmware  ads a very important feature for owners of multi camera setups which is called “Multicast Network Trigger” which is a pseudo Gen-lock feature that does not require cables between cameras directly and the network connection within the camera creates the interface for trigger sync among multiple edgertronic cameras.

Feature notes: “The camera supports being triggered by the receipt of a network multicast UDP packet. This is useful when you have multiple cameras that need to be triggered close to the same time but do not need to be genlocked. The advantage of triggering via a network multicast packet is extra cabling between the camera is not needed.” 

Software Release 2.1.5 Main Features:

  • added support for setting the camera clock using NTP Network Time Protocol
  • added support for triggering a set of cameras using Multicast Network Trigger
  • fix defect that sometimes shows up when taking lots of videos without power cycling
  • internal manufacturing test calibration procedures
  • fix Smart Calibrate related defect
  • change the default for Smart Calibrate to enabled

Full information details on v2.1.5 and the Tar file for this release available at the edgertronic Wiki Page here for owners of the camera!

As of this date the edgertronic camera continues to be at the #1 spot in our slow motion Camera Guide for price/performance.  It is astounding that edgertronic after a release in 2013 continues to dominate in this area year after year. It goes to show how future forward in design and execution the little camera was since the start.  Until competitors catch up with real tangible shipping products the edgertronic remains the one to beat. But our guess is they are not sitting still and will continue to evolve with professional features and with some luck some higher res hardware.

You can get your own edgertronic high speed camera in Monochrome or Color Here: http://edgertronic.com/

If you missed it here is the HSC full review of the edgertronic high speed camera:

edgertronic Standard Camera Kit With Included Case!

Video Samples From our edgertronic review:

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2 thoughts on “edgertronic 2.1.5 Firmware – Multicast Network Trigger!”

  1. Hello
    I wanna buy this high speed camera
    please give me the options and prices.

    best regards

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