Flicker Free 25% Off Until 12/12!


Digital Anarchy’s flicker free plugin will be reduced in price 25% -regular price: $149 Holiday Sale price: $111 until this Saturday December 12th. As you may or may not know flicker is a side effect of phase pulse on artificial lighting affecting the image quality of video and especially bad in slow motion high frame rates.

Flicker Free is a plug-in for Adobe After Effects & Premiere Pro that combats and usually fully eliminates flicker within the video image with a  variety of customizable parameters. It is easy to use, fast rendering and it is as of now the best software tool available to get rid of flicker. HSC does not get a referral profit from the sale of the Flicker Free software, we just like the software and saving a few bucks is great for our readers.

HSC did a review of Flicker Free here for you to see!

Here are the details you need to know for 25% off:

Voucher Code at check out: ANARCHISTELVES

(Sale Ends: Saturday, 12/12)


“When we say everything, we mean everything! Bundles, full licenses, upgrades… all of it. Even Digital Anarchy tshirts! We only do this a couple times a year, so this is your chance to get some great plugins at a very discounted price!” Digital Anarchy

Flicker Free regular price: $149 Holiday Sale price: $111
Beauty Box regular price: $199 Holiday Sale price: $149
Beauty + Flicker bundle: reg: $289, Holiday Sale price: $217

You can get the software demos and purchase at their store here:


HSC – Flicker Free Video Samples:

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