Tag Archives: results

NVIDIA Slow Motion Interpolation With AI Deep Learning Tech!

NVIDIA Slow Motion Interpolation

NVIDIA has been hard at work on the problem posed by high frame rate interpolation of video data shot on lower fps.  We have had this tech since the late 1990s with the advent of Twixtor and refined over the decades in systems like Twixtor Pro and Adobe’s Optical Flow in After Effects. You are still not getting real temporal detail data since the frames are created by extrapolating velocity and direction vectors plus pixel values between frames to get the result.

We explored this technique in our post on interpolation here and why it is no substitute from a real slow motion camera solution.  NVIDIA’s new method uses machine learning along with 11,000 videos to arrive at a more convincing result. Considering the relatively small sample size we can imagine a future where hundreds of thousands or millions of footage samples are used to generate near flawless interpolation. This technique takes some serious computation and data sets so as of now it is not really ready for the mass market but that could change with the cloud very soon. → Continue Reading Full Post ←

Schlieren Imaging Slow Motion DIY!

Schlieren Imaging Slow Motion

Sometimes all it takes to embark on a new project is some unexpected inspiration.  On the Incredible Slow Motion video by Veritasium – Seeing the Invisible: Schlieren Imaging in SLOW MOTION we are not only inspired but awestruck by the results of this simple and doable at home scientific experiment.   The experiment allows a camera to visualize the vortexes of gases and temperature differences in the air which serve to create some very interesting scientific experiments and or artistic visualizations.

You will need a Concave Parabolic Mirror like the ones used in reflective Newtonian telescopes, “you may have one lying around from your stargazing days”,  you will also need a small light source like an LED flashlight or single diode and finally a razor blade or similar precise object to cut off the light to the camera on a plane. → Continue Reading Full Post ←

Slow Motion Resolution Poll Results!


Resolution is one of the most important aspects of any camera image. In slow motion it could be the difference in showing important details or just obscure an event all-together.   In machinery failures during manufacturing; low resolution and high resolution can mean the difference in spotting a crack or bend in the process and that is hugely important.

For film makers and videographers resolution weights a lot when deciding upon a slow motion camera solution.  Not to long ago slow motion cameras at or under 1 megapixel 1024*1024 for example was a novelty and a luxury.  Nowadays 1280*720px or the lower end of HD resolution is easy to find and widely used. However 1080p and or 4k are the resolutions that seem to cause the most interest. → Continue Reading Full Post ←

Flicker Free 25% Off Until 12/12!


Digital Anarchy’s flicker free plugin will be reduced in price 25% -regular price: $149 Holiday Sale price: $111 until this Saturday December 12th. As you may or may not know flicker is a side effect of phase pulse on artificial lighting affecting the image quality of video and especially bad in slow motion high frame rates.

Flicker Free is a plug-in for Adobe After Effects & Premiere Pro that combats and usually fully eliminates flicker within the video image with a  variety of customizable parameters. It is easy to use, fast rendering and it is as of now the best software tool available to get rid of flicker. HSC does not get a referral profit from the sale of the Flicker Free software, we just like the software and saving a few bucks is great for our readers. → Continue Reading Full Post ←



In previous parts of this article we saw three methods to combat flicker in some form or another; in this part we will look at what may be the most advanced Flicker Removal tool available since the inception of software.

Flicker Free by Digital Anarchy is a plugin for “Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere and Final Cut Pro 7 & X, Avid Media Composer and Da Vinci Resolve” Mac and Windows that eliminates most any kind of flicker with ease. → Continue Reading Full Post ←