Edgertronic SC2 Launches with Amazing 4456fps 720p!

edgertronic SC2

The edgertronic high speed camera by Sanstreak  has been a darling of scientists, industrial, education and content production users since 2013.  The Kickstarter project not only delivered on the promise but became a full fledged high speed camera provider afterwards with more than 540 cameras shipped to date.

Today they cement that legacy with the introduction of the edgertronic SC2 in both Monochromatic and Color versions with a full resolution frame rate at HD 1280*720px of 4,450fps depending on the model selected.The power and capability of the edgertronic SC2 is over 630% higher than the edgertronic 1 camera “max 701fps HD”, which as of today is known as the edgertronic SC1,  will still be available for the foreseeable future at their store as a lower end option. → Continue Reading Full Post ←