Tag Archives: joke

Chronos 68 Posted by Krontech, April’s Fools or legit?

Chronos 68

The Twitter account of the Krontech.ca company has posted here a render and a short info spec on a supposed 48 camera rig that can process an awe-inspiring 68 Gigapixels/sec which they arrive at by aggregating the 1.4Gpx/s on the Chronos 1.4c camera multiplied by 48 different units. (Update: Real Product See Our Post Here!)

“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the “Chronos 68″ made of 48 Chronos 1.4 cameras thus able to process 68 Gpx/s. Is anyone in to buy?” Krontech.ca

Being this April 1st which could make it an April Fools prank we are cautious about calling this a real rig, or product, but it sure looks pretty capable as a way to capture a 360-degree view of something.  Whatever the case, this is probably not going to be cheap but geared to professional movie making or very hardcore labs.  Krontech.ca website here!  What do you think? -HSC

SFC-1M Camera 1 Million fps for under $1500!


Apr 1st 2015 – Unknown until now camera start-up company Black Square Imaging has released a rendered image of their current prototype camera the SFC-1M which aims to disrupt the slow motion camera market forever.

SFC-1M leaked Specs: → Continue Reading Full Post ←