There has been a lack of big camera announcements at NAB 2017, with more and more saturation and less camera replacement by TV studios and Filmmakers there is talk of good enough gear already purchased for 4k and 2k/1080p production. The Alexa, RED, Sony F55 and Varicam LT cameras released in the last few years already exceeds most delivery methods in quality and completely obliterates the compressed cable delivery streams for hove TVs.
However manufacturers like Sony & Panasonic have released information about new firmware updates that will improve high frame rate recording on some of their cameras as free updates. This in turn makes for a practical camera line refresh that gives more longevity to the existing hardware while permitting more high speed latitude to current owners.
NAB 2017 Sony F5 & F55 Firmware Update v 9.0:
The F5/F55 will be updated to firmware Version 9. This will permit the recording on the F55 @ 4K 120fps using the new Sony AXS-R7 recorder according to rumors. So it will not be internal.
The Sony FS5 will allow continuous 120fps shooting on Full HD internally however which is a huge upgrade for the camera. The quality should be on par with a6500 and Sony Mirrorless a9 which is to say excellent with no visible artifacts or resolution loss. Expect true 1080p 120fps on this camera. See the press conference video below for more information:
Sony Electronics’ NAB Press Conference by Sony Professional Solutions Americas:
Abel Cine is reporting the following:
“Panasonic will release a free firmware update for the VariCam LT enabling RAW output of 2K at up to 240 fps. As when recording 240 fps internally, the RAW output uses a central 2K crop of the camera’s 4K sensor at 1:1, avoiding artifacts that can be introduced due to pixel binning or line-skipping.” Full Update details at :
NAB 2017: Panasonic Updates by AbelCine:
Panasonic NAB 2017 Mystery Camera Teased:
Newsshooter is also reporting on a mystery camera under a veil at the Panasonic booth. It sits between more expensive Varicam cameras and the Lumix GH5. While no information is directly available from Panasonic it seems the new camera will sport the following if you can believe rumors and speculation:
- Inexpensive flash media for storage
- Small & light Form Factor
- APS-C Sensor not M4/3
- Canon & or PL Mount Compatibility
- The real replacement for the AF100.
- Fall 2017 Release Date Sep-Nov
- Previewed at Cine Gear Expo Jun 1st!
No word on codec, frame rates or resolutions for this camera but we believe 4k 60p or even 120p will be possible as well as 240fps full HD. It makes sense considering the camera will be positioned above the $2k USD Lumix GH5. We will have to wait and see because no details will be known for over a month as the camera will be previewed to the audience at Cine Gear Expo June 1st to June 4th 2017.
Panasonic shows new Mystery Cine Camera at NAB 2017 by Newsshooter:
We hope to see some more announcements by the end of NAB or in May that should offer more options in the high frame rate department. We will also publish some slow motion samples of these camera firmware updates when they become available. – HSC
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