Panasonic GH5 Released Specs Omit 120fps!

Panasonic GH5

The rumors were in this occasion mostly true and that is a great thing for the camera enthusiast.  The Successor to the still relevant Panasonic GH4 is nothing short of a powerhouse when it comes to video.  Photo enthusiasts should still find a good balance of features in the Panasonic GH5 but it is clear that Panasonic is very serious about the GH series going forward and has once again created a flagship camera that will become a cornerstone of compact video gear. Updated Article Here!

The body has barely changed and that is also good news, the GH3 and GH4 were almost identical and it is a true and proven form factor with the now indispensable rotating tilt shift screen. Many have tried other designs but the fact remains that this type of LCD with easy positioning is still over a decade in; the best balance for video shooting on a compact DSLR or Mirror-less camera. → Continue Reading Full Post ←