Sony a6500 Keeps 120fps On Refined Update!

Sony a6500 front with lens.

On a clearly unexpected update of the a6xxx line of cameras Sony unveiled the α6500 E Mount camera much to the anger of people who just 6 months ago were buying the a6300 which became a darling for video shooters and APS-C photo shooters aswell. That camera brought oversampling of 6k to derive a 4k output which up to now created the sharpest and most detailed 4k image in consumer cameras.

However things were not all rosy with the a6300, many users cringed at the excessive rolling shutter skew when shooting 4k and the lack of dependable continuous tracking. There was also a lack of touch screen and no sensor stabilization which the a6500 aims to correct.  There is a lot of camera here so lets dig in… → Continue Reading Full Post ←