edgertronic Latest Firmware Boosts Overclocking!

edgertronic Latest Firmware Overclocking

edgertronic has been working hard on a new firmware update that boosts frame rates for the newer SC2, SC2+ and SC2X cameras which makes it possible to shoot at full resolution several hundreds of extra frames while maintaining near stock video quality.  This first update iteration adds an overclocking setting menu to the SC2, SC2+ and SC2X cameras with 5% increments in four settings.

Now the SC2+, for example, can shoot above 5000fps at 720p full resolution from the maximum stock of 4456fps.   Overclocking settings come in four settings and while your mileage may vary according to your camera, most settings should work as advertised. We tested the SC2X at all settings and find that Overclock A 5% and B 10% offer quality very close to the stock setting and allowing for over 2000fps.

Overclocking edgertronic specs using C Mode:

  • SC2X high speed camera 2,252 frames/sec at 1080P resolution
  • SC2+ high speed camera 5,134 frames/sec at 720P resolution
  • SC2 high speed camera 3,350 frames/sec at 720P resolution
  • SC1 high speed camera 882 frames/sec at 720P resolution

“The frame rates quoted above are using overclock C setting, which produces videos comparable to those taken with overclock set to (off)! edgertronic.com”

The Firmware Version 2.2.2g3 with overclocking support for newer cameras can be found at the official site here: http://wiki.edgertronic.com/index.php/Software_releases#Version_2.2.2

Firmware 2.2.2g3 Release Notes!

Improvements since software release version 2.2.1:

  • Overclock support for SC2+ and SC2X similar to SC1 overclock support.
  • Improved web U.I. response time when configuring the camera.
  • Reduced time from post-trigger buffer full until the next multishot can be triggered. Time reduced to around 100 ms.
  • Improved SC2 and SC2+ image quality by reducing image sensor noise.
  • Clean up user-supplied configuration file line endings when the files are installed into the camera.
  • Added support to pipelines file to allow preview while saving to be disabled to improve file save performance.
  • Improved camera temperature range for a few cameras that didn’t tolerate colder temperatures. Thanks to the Boise camera owner who reported the problem.
  • Fixed defect wherein review mode if you relocate the status boxes then would jump around to a different location.
  • Improved user experience when using the overlay notes helper buttons to add camera-specific information to the notes field.
  • Fixed defect where the web UI didn’t work properly if the cookie was in an unexpected format. No clue how that customer created a browser cookie in an unexpected format.
  • Added support for keyboard control when in review before saving. Tab, space, left arrow, right arrow, page up, and page down now allow the review sliders to be controlled via the keyboard. This is helpful in sunlit areas when the laptop screen is hard to read.

Our Testing:

Model: SC2X Color 16 GB  Sensitivity: 2200 ISO     Shutter: 1/2500  Seconds Frame Rate: 2024.41 Frames/Second effective!

In our testing of the new 2.2.2g3 firmware, we were able to put it through its paces.  We found that the Overclock A and B Settings were nearly as good in quality as the stock maximum 1910fps 1080p mode but did show some extra noise in the shadows which is expected with overclocking.   The B setting started to show some shadow banding but did not show any artifacts when properly lit.

If you need to shoot with overclocking frame rates be sure to give it excellent illumination.  If you light a scene with proper lights and fill in every shadow you will have an excellent image on the SC2X at A and B settings.  We, however, had some color noise artifacts when shooting in the C and D overclocking modes.  It seems some sensors are more forgiving than others in this mode and our copy of the camera seems to have hit a wall at the C setting.  These artifacts are of no concern for analyzing data in a lab if needed but they are not usable for broadcast TV or film.  Stick with Stock speeds up to 1910fps on the SC2X for the utmost quality and use Overclock A and B as you see fit to get nearly 500fps more if needed.

SC2X Overclocking mode / Frame Rates:

1910  fps 1920*1088 “Stock Setting” (Overclock Off)

  • 2,24.41 fps 1920*1088 Using Overclock A 5% Increment
  • 2,138.44 fps 1920*1088 Using Overclock B 10% Increment
  • 2,252.46 fps 1920*1088 Using Overclock C 15% Increment
  • 2,366.55 fps 1920*1088 Using Overclock D 20% Increment

This is a very significant update!

With all the news coming out this year about new cameras it is of note that this new edgertronic firmware is a significant step forward for slow motion frame rates on an affordable camera.  The SC2+ breaking 5000fps with excellent quality means the camera is now even more coveted by motion analysis uses at 720p.

The SC2X breaking 2000fps and offering beautiful performance at 2,024fps at full 1080p resolution makes this the camera to get for small studios that need a high-speed solution on a budget that you can own and not rent. The SC2X might be the best slow-motion camera of 2017 when it comes to frame rates, resolution and performance.  This update only cements that position and makes it much harder for the competition to offer a counter punch.

If you own an edgertronic SC2+, SC2 and or SC2X be sure to publish your overclock findings below. We are still hard at work on Part 3 of our review of the SC2X which will delve deeper into the overclocking function and explore it on lower resolutions to find the best quality/performance balance. -HSC

For more information on edgertronic cameras along with ordering information visit: https://edgertronic.com

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