Panasonic Responds to V-Log L Activation Issues!


Yesterday a group of users of the Panasonic GH4 noticed that you could get V-Log L activated on the GH4 camera without paying for it by use of the Wifi Mobile device app and some tinkering.   At first it seemed like too good to be true but as some tests already have shown it is the real deal. However Panasonic already is working to correct the issue and has issued a statement on the matter.

While it was possible to do it be aware that the activation of this feature was not intended to be available this way and as Panasonic points out it can have repercussions in the operation of the Zebra and Histogram functions behaving erratically or not as expected. While many users were disappointed about the $99 price tag for the feature it is also encouraging to see many early adopters of the feature or the workaround buy the actual product as they like to support Panasonic in adding features to their cameras that are needed by professionals as in the case of V-Log.

The Panasonic Statement:
Actual statement from Panasonic on the V-Log L activation issues!

You can see the website of the Panasonic statement here!

HSC: It is clear that current firmware will be phased out and replaced with patched versions. Any future firmware upgrades will be locked to the workaround it seems.

Disclaimer: We at HSC do not condone or encourage any use of hacks, software work arounds or other software fixes that circumvent intended original manufacturer camera features. If you do so you do at your own peril and risk of falling out of warranty or  bricking your camera. 

We will not link to any page that explains how to use the V-Log activation in respect for Panasonic development engineers, this way we do our part in ensuring that they continue development further on their cameras.

V-Log L On the Panasonic GH4 Test by Sammi Kim:

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