Sony RX10 III Ships and Reviews Start to Show!


The Sony RX10 III has been the talk of the town as of late with an impressive lens 24-600mm 35mm equivalent  or 25x from wide to telephoto.  For us the value lies in the High frame rate or HFR mode that has the same specs as last year’s darlings the Sony RX100 IV and RX10 II.

At first glance the quality seems to be the same in terms of sensor response as all of these cameras share the exact same stacked 1″ sensor with blazing fast memory attached.  While the stills quality will not win any awards compared to 4/3, APS C or Full Frame cameras; it is still a big step up compared to small sensor P&S cams or smartphones.

The Camera is now available in limited quantities at, and other outfits for $1,498.00 USD.

  Sony RX10 III At Adorama Camera:


Reviews and first impressions:

Still image Sony RX10 III review real world samples by DP Review here!

Video Review by DPReview:

Sony RX10 III Review by Imaging Resource here!

Sony RX10 III Hands on review by Digital Trends!

Sony RX10 III Camera Review by!

Sony RX10 III Review by Digital Photo Magazine!

Sony RX10 III vs RX100 IV – Hands-On and Lens Range Comparison by Jay SonyAlphaLab:

Sony RX10 III Real world review by Cinema 5D Here!

Short Wonder Woman with the RX10 III by Cinema 5D:

Sony RX10 III – Hands-on First Look with Test Footage by Videomaker:

HSC- Looking at these footage samples it is clear the Sony RX10 III is a powerhouse when it comes to video. The HFR mode offers unlimited 120fps video at 1080p and 2 seconds at nearly 1080p resolution at 240fps and 4 seconds with a quality drop. Even higher frame rates close to 1000fps can be done at much reduced resolutions.

This is not a small camera and certainly dwarfs the RX100 IV which shares most of the same sensor specs and HFR feature set with the negative of course of a smaller lens reach and the occasional overheating that shuts down the camera when shooting a lot of video. Battery life on that camera is also pretty weak.

If we had to get a Sony RX camera our bet would be to get the in between of these models if you don’t need the 600mm range and save a lot of money with the still impressive 10x lens of the RX10 II which shares most specs with this camera.

We cannot recommended as a primary stills camera due to the noise and artifacts in the images but for video it is highly recommended if you want 4k, 1080p and higher frame rates in an all in one low cost package.  Below you can see the deals for the entire Sony RX Line which have been getting better since the RX10 III introduction.

Sony RX Camera line the RX100 IV, RX10 II and RX10 III:

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