The Ono U1 Smartphone is showing signs of life again after almost completely disappearing from existence. The team has posted a Facebook update that shows their upcoming participation in the GSMA Mobile World Congress Shanghai 2016 June 29th to July 1st.
As to what they will present we are not sure; there are questions on the post by interested people about the 480fps frame rate capability on the Ono U1 already and so far no answers have been posted, but that could change. We may actually see a phone by then and if high frame rates are included it will be a welcome surprise. → Continue Reading Full Post ←
The GoPro Like competitor project Mokacam on indiegogo has reached their goal 13x over or 1329% with over 660k USD by their backers. The project is just hours away from closing funding and a few of their offer kits are still available. If for anything it is a very cheap way to get into 4k at 15fps on a small GoPro like camera for under $200 USD with options for a tilt screen, pluggable magnetic batteries and even a portable electronic gimble for the tiny wonder of a camera.
What jumps out is how good the image quality is and all the surmounted obstacles that the team successfully accomplished to get the camera ready for production. It is not as strong in the frame rates as the GoPro Hero 4 black as it is only 15fps at 4k but it is not it’s function to eclipse that camera but to offer an alternative at a very low cost. It also offers a 1080p 60, 120fps 720p mode and a 240fps VGA mode hence why we are covering it as a high speed camera. → Continue Reading Full Post ←
The Ono U1 Beast smartphone by U1 Labs has yet to see the light of day as a shipping product. There have been several setbacks to the project but they seem to still keep the flame alive by having the hardware finished and polishing the software constantly to get to a ship ready state.
The latest info pushes for a February release of a slow motion video sample at the spec of 480fps. This will be a real video and not an interpolated sample like the one released before which used the Android camera to deliver slow motion video based on standard frame rate footage. Now the talk in the forums is when will backers and early buyers get the phone if at all. The handset was supposed to be in the hands of backers in late 2015 especially taking in mind the holidays as a Christmas present. That did not materialize as expected due to software delays. However the company honored early backers with refunds for the entire amount. These early backers will still get the phone with no out of money cost. This would be a great thing for backers but this put stresses on the actual company making the necessary revenue unless they have investors footing the bill. → Continue Reading Full Post ←
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